Watering Your Mind Original Painting


Original painting is 36″ x 24″ acrylic on canvas painted live by MORPHIS ART

Created To: Painted in a live performance during Boogie T Rocks at Red Rocks Amphitheater Colorado, 2023. Sol Fest Festival 2023

Creation Location: Red Rocks Amphitheater, Colorado

Painting created in a live performance started during Boogie T rocks at Red Rocks amphitheater Colorado, 2023, then worked on live at backwoods music festival and finished in the studio. This concept is about what you “water” your mind with. In a world of screens, sometimes time in nature away from technology is the only way to balance it out.

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Original painting is 36″ x 24″ acrylic on canvas painted live by MORPHIS ART

Created To: Painted in a live performance during Boogie T Rocks at Red Rocks Amphitheater Colorado, 2023. Sol Fest Festival 2023

Creation Location: Red Rocks Amphitheater, Colorado

Painting created in a live performance started during Boogie T rocks at Red Rocks amphitheater Colorado, 2023, then worked on live at backwoods music festival and finished in the studio. This concept is about what you “water” your mind with. In a world of screens, sometimes time in nature away from technology is the only way to balance it out.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 36 × 1.25 in



Product Type

Original Painting